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NJU Goes Duke of Edinburgh!

We're thrilled to have been successful in becoming an 'Approved Provider' for the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.

This now means that any young person who is undertaking their DoE Award and who is working to fulfil the 'Skills' element of DoE - can either work as a team, learning to become an ETHICAL ENTREPRENEUR - OR - they can simply follow our NJU Toolkit themselves, as an individual.

What New Skills Will I Learn Through NJU with DoE?

DoE participants will use our NJU Toolkit in order to learn about trade injustice, fairer trading, ethical certification schemes, setting up social enterprises and how to generate income for local causes too.

This will enable young people to understand how international and local businesses work, the measures needed to set up their own businesses or services and it will give them amazing opportunities to create their own products, to visit ethical enterprises and to meet some truly inspiring ethical business people.

The NJU Toolkit is made up of 7 modules. But this is a very flexible approach - think of it as 'pick and mix'!


What is Included in the NJU Toolkit?

We have 7 Modules - You simply use whatever works for you from here. Take a deep breath... and you can read more at the foot of this article...

Wow! You Really Do Mean Business! So... Can all levels of DoE participate?

 Yes! We designed the NJU Toolkit so that it can be used flexibly, for any level. We recommend that:

-        DofE Bronze work upto and including Module 5 (ages 14+, for 3-6 months)

-        DofE Silver work upto and including Module 6 (ages 15+, for 3/6/12 months)

-        DofE Gold work upto and including Module 7 (ages 16+, for 6/12/18 months)


How Can I Do NJU as a DoE Participant?

There are 2 ways:

1)    Work as a Group with others

2)    Work as an individual

How Would I Work Through The Toolkit?

There are 7 Modules available to all. Participants can work through the Modules relevant to them, at their own speed. For example, some may want to spend more time learning about trade injustice. Some may want to spend more time on their own business development or focus on product development. Others may prefer to spend more time on sales events, whereas others still, may prefer to set up a service (such as a community café or car wash) rather than creating a product to sell.


What Is Needed To Use The Toolkit Effectively?

If you are working as a group – you might choose to have a ‘Session Leader’ to guide you through the first few Modules.


NJU materials are accessed via the Internet – once the module/s have been downloaded, lessons and learning can take place offline – but there are links to sites and videos too. Paper will be needed, if you prefer to learn using handouts, tasks and templates.


Time: There are no fixed time periods for the Toolkit Module learning, but (see above) the amount of time you will spending on NJU will depend on which DoE level you want to embark upon. For example, if you want to carry out sales and events or to visit ethical businesses, you will need to be flexible in order to put longer hours in. If you want to run a business over a longer period (as opposed to maybe just a few sales opportunities) then the Gold Award might suit you best :-)

All Module Contents Include…


  • A Session Planner

  • Activities - along with video/podcasts suggestions, website research, speaker suggestions etc.

  • Visit ideas, (actual or virtual), to ethical enterprises are suggested.


Each module has enough material for several sessions/meetings, and additional activities if desired.

I Want to Do This as an Individual DoE Participant

That's great too! Feel free to access the Toolkit materials via our 'Resources' page. They're FREE and you - or your DoE Assessor - can contact us if you have any queries at all about the process.

How Am I Assessed?

You will be assessed by your own DoE Assessor. They can contact us for more information about assessing the work of their groups/individuals who have chosen to undertake this exciting journey of ETHICAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP!

How Do I Access the NJU Toolkit to Begin Learning New Skills?

Just head back to our Resources page. Pop your details in there, we'll send you a code and you can go and have a good nosey!




NJU Toolkit Contents:

Induction: How to use the Toolkit, Benchmarking (checking your existing fair-trade awareness, hopes and aspirations), Ethical Ice-Breaker games, Personal Journal template, Expectations and Requirements,

Module 1: Trade Injustice and Poverty

Including: Sustainable Development Goals & Resource Sheets, Coffee & Chocolate Case Studies & Lessons, Fair Trade Games, Jargon Buster, Letter Templates, Global Commodity Maps.

Module 2: Social Enterprise and Co-operative Working

Including: Co-operative Movement and Business Models, Games/Activities on co-op working, Co-ops and Team Building, Introduction to Socia Enterprises, Social vs Corporate Enterprises.

Module 3: Growing Your Ethical Business Idea

Including: Basic Market Research for New Ethical Business, Ethical Product Certification Systems Info, Templates for Code of Conduct/ Constitution/Action Plan Checklist.

Module 4: Getting Down to Ethical Business

Including: Deciding Ethical Business Type, Business Structures, Understanding Ethical Behaviour, Business Functions/Roles, Writing an Ethical Business Vision, Choices & Ethics Task, Different Types of Business Accounting, Ethical Business Plan. HOW TO - Run Business Meetings/ Set up a Bank Account/ Finance an Ethical Enterprise/ Gain Support for Enterprise/ Get Sponsorship/ Create Cashflow Forecast.

Module 5: Events

Including:  Market Research for Events & Local Mapping, Pricing for Events, Task – ‘Event Ready?’, Press Release Example, Using Social Media to Sell Ethically, Events Action Plan Template, Cashing-Up Template, HOW TO – Plan for an Event/ Set Up a Stall/ Create a Promo Leaflet.

Module 6:  Products and Marketing

Including: Ethical Branding Guidance, Marketing F2F & Social Media, Info re. Business & Sponsorship, Ethical Sales Pitching, Pricing, Product Supply, Price Listing Examples, Product Business Proposal Example, Supply/Stock/Warehousing, Leadership Activities, Successful Ethical Product Stories, HOW TO – Carry out a SWOT Analysis/ Promotional Checklist.

Module 7:  Monitoring and Evaluation

Including: Progression Chart for Groups, Event Evaluation, Annual Report Examples (Narrative and Financial), Monitoring Stakeholder Engagement, Progress Report to Donor Example, Template Thank You Letter, Template Monitoring and Evaluation Evidence.

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